Saturday, June 13, 2009

Long time no update

Well, I can't believe it's almost been 2 months since I posted! Come to think about it, that is about the time that Mateo started teething again, and w whole lot worse this time. My sweet, happy boy has turned into a monster from about 8-12 each evening. It's not his fault I know, but boy is it not pleasant!

Well, in these last 2 months a lot has happened, don't ask me what, cause I can't really remember. :) lol

So I'll start with what I do remember. Last Sunday Mateo participated in a skit at church with his godparents Neil and Alison. Boy was it funny! All of you first service Northbridgers missed out because Mateo was only in the 2nd one. The skit was for our women's event and the topic was "Who's coming to dinner" so all about hospitality. Well Alison was acting as a mom who was completely out of control. The house was a mess, the kids were out of control and her personal appearance was a little scary! Mateo was the youngest son and he did so good, she started yelling, and he cried on cue! We had him just in his diaper and hooked his pacifier clip to his hair, which he grabbed and stuck in his mouth at a perfect part too! She then set him down in a laundry basket and he proceeded to sit there and make no noise for the rest of the skit (about 5 minutes). Uncle Neil was the husband who comes home to find everything so crazy and then dump that the boss' family was coming the following night to dinner and maybe she should go to the women's event to get some help. It was truly precious, my only regret is that we didn't get it on video. Alison and I talked though and from now on we are going to video tape all of the skits.

This was really Kristen's first week "nannying" for Mateo here at the house. It is going to so good and I am SO THANKFUL for her. He has adjusted well to her like I knew he would. It is so nice not having to pack all his stuff everyday.

Friday Mateo went and played with the Keckler clan because Kristen had a wedding in Iowa? I think with her family. She will be back on Tuesday so Monday Mateo will go back and play with Nancy and Amelia! So thankful to all the Northbridge ladies who have volunteered to help us (Rebecca, Cassie, Erica, Nancy and so many others these specific ladies are just the ones I've actually taken them up on their offers!).

On a somber note, please be in prayer for a couple of friends of mine and their families. My friend Lynea's 23 yr old son passed away this week in Germany. I can't imagine the emotions their family are having to deal with. Please pray for them, they have been heavy on my heart and I know they can use all the prayers possible right now.

Good night and I promise I will post more often.

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