Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good Friday

If anyone is looking for an alternative to the traditional Good Friday service, come join us at Northbridge! We are doing an underground type of thing where you will go to the church and be given a CD and a map with directions, there will be a couple of stops I think? Before you reach the final destination for the short service. This is to represent the persecuted church who don't simply have a place to go to worship and have to do it in hiding. This is a great, interactive way to show (your kids) how blessed we are with our religious freedom in this country.

Let me know if you want more details, look forward to seeing you there.

Mateo's 4 month checkup


Weight 16 lbs 12 oz
Height 26 inches
Head 16 1/2 inches? can't be must be cm? anyone know how they measure that

It went well, the pediatrician couldn't get over how much Mateo kept smiling at her. She said we can start feeding him cereal mixed with formula, then green vegetables, then all other colors of vegetables and then fruit.

Not sure exactly when we will start that. First I want to get a high chair as I don't want to try and feed him with a spoon while holding him, that is a disaster waiting to happen.

He had 2 vaccinations, 1 orally and 1 poke. He did SO GOOD. She poked him, he made a protest (more like a yell) and then silent. My baby has a high tolerance for pain already!

I think that's pretty much it for now....oh I saw Duplicity with Julia Roberts last night and I loved it! I can see why people haven't liked it though and why it is not a blockbuster. However, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

promises of hope

God has always been a huge part of my life. I am blessed in the way that I have always felt God near and physically seen his presence in my life. Which is why I can't fathom the thought of not seeing God in everything.

The birth of my baby is a medical miracle. No ovulation=no baby. Well, apparently not in my case. All things are possible!

I just read MckMamma's post and I feel the same way. They were told that their baby would not be born alive. Yet 13 weeks later, there he was healthy as could be. But now they are again facing trials that from men's point of view are impossible and hopeless. BUT NOT WITH GOD. Please take some time and pray for this family as I can tell from her recent posts she is struggling to feel God's hope even though she knows it is there.

The power of prayer is our greatest asset. It is the most precious gift we can give to our friends, family, neighbors, brothers and sisters in Christ and anyone who crosses our paths.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday March 27th - Mateo's 4 month birthday!

I cannot believe that my little angel is 4 months old today. It feels just like yesterday that I was going through the traumatizing expierience of delivering my 8 and a half lb. baby boy. It's hard to remember holding an 8 lb. baby now that he is almost 18 lbs.!

My son, my child. To think that just one year ago, I thought I would never be able to say those words about a biological child. To think that one year ago I was 1 month pregnant and didn't even know it!

Mateo - loves to cuddle, 10+ hours a night sleeper, a lover of music, is low key, handles mom's endless costume changes for him, tolerates dogs sniffing him and occasionally licking him, is about to pop out 6 teeth, a lover of watching tv, especially soccer, is a godson to Allison and Neil, a godbrother to Elise and Anna, enjoys kicking the water, is learning to jump in his jumperoo, has learned to spin in his exersaucer, has said "hi" and "mamamamamamama" and is getting to heavy for momma to carry.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

prayer needed

I have recently started following a blog that has been very inspirational in my life. I hope it is for yours too. And please....when you think about it, pray for baby STELLAN!


my sleepy baby

I am still ABSOLUTELY amazed at how much my baby sleeps. Every morning I wake up and can't believe he's still sleeping. Sometimes he doesn't even wake up when I put him in his car seat! He just snuggles in to you as you pick him up out of his crib and then settles right in the car seat.

Sometimes I wish he would wake up in the morning so I could have some mommy bonding time before I go to work, and then I remember how lucky I am that he is sleeping 10+ hours a night and remind myself to be content!

My mom talked to Mateo on the phone last night, and for the first time he wasn't much interested. But there was soccer on the plasma and he is his mother's son. Don't distract me when there's soccer on!

I hope everyone has a blessed day today!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

bath time

Mateo had a bath tonight I try and remember to weigh him when it's bath night and he seems to have lost a little weight so my almost 4 month old only weighs about 16 lbs instead of the 18 he weighed last week.

He hasn't been eating as much as he normally does because of his teeth. He is also a bit congested so he is snorting a lot. My adorable piggy!

Those teeth are still really bothering him and he had to have a couple of doses of ibuprofen today. But luckily that seems to help him a lot. I need to try and take a picture of his "teethers" coming in.

We had worship team practice tonight and I love seeing Anna with Mateo! It makes me imagine having a second baby and how cute they would be together. It cracks me up when Anna tries to give Mateo his "boppy". Absolutely precious...

Well, signing off for tonight, another 10 hour work day tomorrow!

God bless.

Mateo - teething

My baby is teething folks! He has at least 6 teeth coming in all at one time. 2 molars on the bottom (1 on each side) and the 2 front on the bottom and the top. Poor kid! His nose is runny, low grade fever, sleeping a lot and stuffing both hands in his mouth at the same time.

He's drinking 8oz every night before bed and is sleeping about 10 hours each night. He is talking up a storm and said his first distinguishable word "HI" on 3/24. He weighs about 18 lbs and will be 4 months old on Friday!

He talks to me every day on the phone from Allison's house and I love those conversations! They are priceless.

First Post

This one will be quick folks! I'm on break at work and decided that I wanted to start a blog. I think it's important to have a record of my little one as he is growing up! If others enjoy it too, then double bonus.